After A Bar Fight, Assault Case Dismissed Based On Self-Defense
Categories: Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence / AssaultRecently, a man from Reynoldsburg, Ohio came to the Columbus law offices of Luftman, Heck & Associates after a bar fight resulted in a misdemeanor assault charge. The man was reasonably nervous because despite his claim that he acted in self-defense, this offense is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and $1,000 fine. As such, he knew that he would need capable legal representation to handle this matter and contacted the highly skilled criminal defense attorneys with LHA.
We utilized our extensive experience with similar assault and self-defense cases to find the best possible outcome for this client. By negotiating with the prosecution and arguing that his client had a right to defend himself during this altercation, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss the assault charge. Furthermore, we filed a motion to seal the fact that he was even charged, which was approved by the court and effectively removed the entire transgression from all public records.
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