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Construction Zone Speeding Tickets and Fines in Ohio

Posted On: June 5th, 2019   |   Posted by: Luftman, Heck & Associates LLP
Traffic signs in a construction work zone

Most drivers will get pulled over and receive a traffic ticket at some point during their lives. Getting caught speeding may seem like no big deal since it is so common, and you may wonder if the charge is worth fighting. If you received a ticket for speeding in a Columbus construction zone, there are several things you need to consider. These actions are especially dangerous due to diversion of traffic and workers present in the area. If you are caught speeding in a construction zone, you will face enhanced penalties if convicted.

A conviction for a driving offense can negatively affect your insurance rates, disqualify you from certain jobs, and may even result in the loss of your driver’s license. Contact the Columbus traffic attorneys at Luftman, Heck & Associates for information about how we can help you fight construction zone speeding tickets. To schedule a free, initial consultation of your case, contact us today at (614) 500-3836.

Construction Zone Speeding Laws

Section 4511.98 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) states that speed limits may be established in construction zones based on the type of work being conducted, the time of day when the work will be done, and any other criteria deemed appropriate by the Director of Transportation. Increased penalties may only apply when signs are erected in accordance with design specifications, and when the offense occurs during actual working hours.

Consequences of Speeding in a Construction Zone

Don’t plead guilty to a construction zone speeding ticket without speaking an attorney. Some potential consequences of such an offense include:

  • Fines – Speeding in a construction zone will double your fine.
  • Increased Insurance Rates – Your insurance rates will likely increase if you plead guilty to a speeding ticket.
  • Loss of Driving Privileges – Accumulating too many points on your driving record will result in the loss of your driving privileges. Speeding in a construction zone is a bigger concern if you have been previously convicted of multiple driving offenses.
  • Job Loss – A construction zone speeding ticket conviction can affect your career, especially if you have a CDL (commercial driver’s license) or any job that requires you to spend a lot of time driving. You may not be eligible to be hired at jobs that require driving if you have too many tickets on your record.
  • Incarceration – If you are charged with speeding in a construction zone, you could even be facing jail or prison time, especially if your case involved an accident that resulted in death or termination of a pregnancy due to injuries caused by the accident. Depending on your history, you could also face jail time if charged with multiple speeding offenses.

Construction Zone Speeding Ticket Defenses

If you get a speeding ticket, you shouldn’t just pay it and move on. That’s the same as pleading guilty to the offense. If you reach out to a Columbus traffic attorney, you can fight the ticket. By working with a lawyer, you may be found not guilty or be convicted of a lesser charge if any of the following applies:

  • You were not actually speeding
  • Equipment to test your speed was not properly calibrated
  • The police officer failed to follow proper procedures to document your speed
  • Construction zone signs were not posted in accordance with state guidelines
  • You were charged with speeding in a construction zone at a time when no workers were present

Even if the officer did everything correctly to measure your speed and is present and ready to testify in your case, a skilled traffic ticket defense attorney may be able to argue that the charge should be reduced or negotiate with the prosecution to keep the ticket off your record. You may even be found not guilty of your attorney is able to find something wrong with the state’s case or discredit testimony by law enforcement.

Reach Out to a Columbus, Ohio Construction Zone Ticket Lawyer for Help

Have you been accused of speeding in a construction zone? Don’t just pay the fine without talking to a lawyer – simply paying the fine is the same as being found guilty at trial, and a conviction will be entered on your record. At Luftman, Heck & Associates, we will help you fight your charge. Contact our office online, or call (614) 500-3836 to schedule a free, initial consultation of your case.

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